Conquering Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Up to one in five people worldwide are troubled by typical IBS symptoms, and most have not seen a doctor about them.
Cramps or pain in the stomach, feelings of bloating or even swelling up like a balloon, rushing to the toilet because of diarrhea, or not being able to go at all; these are some of the symptoms of the irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Knowledge is power; those troubled with IBS need to take control by understanding the problem and its potential solutions. This book aims to help empower people who suffer with IBS as well as their families. What is IBS? Why do some people get the disease? What can be done about it now that truly works? Take control and read on.
- Authoritatively written and concise by both physicians and sufferers of this disease
- Presents a brief description of symptoms, concepts, pathophysiology, and risk factors
- Well illustrated
- A good pocket guideĀ
Chapter 1. What Is Irritable Bowel Syndrome?
Chapter 2. Causes and Diagnosis of IBS
Chapter 3. Diet and Exercise: Key Helpers in the Battle!
Chapter 4. The Mind-Body Connection: How We Can Heal Ourselves
Chapter 5. Can I Just Take a Pill? Over-the-Counter Drugs and Herbs
Chapter 6. Prescription Drug Treatments for IBS-Evidence for What Works!
Chapter 7. Defeat IBS: A Summary
Glossary of Terms