Interstitial Lung Disease
Interstitial Lung Disease, fifth edition, is a complete publication of interstitial lung diseases and includes clinical, pathologic, radiologic, and physiologic evaluation of the patient with Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD). The volume provides a basic pathobiology and a complete description of individual disease entities. The authors’ cover a wide array of disorders – sarcoidosis, asbestosis, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, drug induced lung disease, connective tissue disease, and pulmonary vasculitis – to name but a few. The fifth edition also features an examination of future potential therapies for diffuse parenchymal lung disease.
Interstitial Lung Disease’s 39 chapters are divided into three sections. The “Clinical Approach” section provides the basis for recognizing the key features that allow a specific diagnosis to be achieved. The section dedicated to “Basic Mechanisms” emphasizes the many advances in genetics and cellular and molecular biology that have greatly expanded our understanding of the biological processes involved in the pathogenesis of ILD. The third section titled “Clinical Entities” describes the clinical manifestations, radiologic patterns, histopathological features, and management of the specific process.
Interstitial Lung Disease received a 94 score from Doody’s Review Service™ review.
Part 1 Clinical Approach
Chapter 1 Approach to the Evaluation and Diagnosis of Interstitial Lung Disease. By Gregory P. Cosgrove and Marvin I. Schwarz
Chapter 2 Anatomic Distribution and Histopathologic Patterns of Interstitial Lung Disease. By Kevin O. Leslie, Thomas V. Colby, and David A. Lynch
Chapter 3 Physiology of Interstitial Lung Disease. By Chris M. Parker, Michael F. Fitzpatrick, and Denis E. O’Donnell
Chapter 4 Pulmonary Hypertension in Interstitial Lung Disease. By Joseph P. Lynch III, John A. Belperio, Michael C. Fishbein, and David A. Zisman
Chapter 5 Imaging of Diffuse Parenchymal Lung Diseases. By David A. Lynch
Chapter 6 Bronchoalveolar Lavage. By Ulrich Costabel and Josune Guzman
Chapter 7 Childhood Interstitial Lung Disease. By Leland L. Fan and Megan K. Dishop
Chapter 8 Novel Therapies for Idiopathis Pulmonary Fibrosis. By Amy L. Olson and Ganesh Raghu
Part 2 Basic Mechanisms
Chapter 9 Genetics of ILD. By Jim Loyd and William Lawson
Chapter 10 Genomics of ILD. By Thomas Richards and Naftali Kaminski
Chapter 11 Virus-Related ILD. By Ana Mora and Jesse Roman
Chapter 12 Animal Models of ILD. By Felix Chua, Geoffrey J. Laurent, Jack Gauldie, and Martin Kolb
Chapter 13 Inflammation in the Pathogenesis of ILD. By Paul W. Noble and Robert M. Tighe
Chapter 14 Coagulation and Fibrinolysis in Lung Injury and Repair. By Joao de Andrade and Mitchell A. Olman
Chapter 15 Role of the Pulmonary Epithelium in the Pathogenesis of ILD. By Kevin K. Kim and Harold A. Chapman
Chapter 16 Cytokine Biology and the Pathogenesis of ILD. By Michael P. Keane, John A. Belperio, and Robert M. Strieter
Chapter 17 Role and Origin of the Fibroblast in the Pathogenesis of ILD. By Victor J. Thannickal, Galen B. Toews, and Sem H. Phan
Chapter 18 Immunologic Events in the Development of ILD: The Paradigm of Sarcoidosis. By Gianpietro Semenzato, Monica Facco, and Carlo Agostini
Part 3 Clinical Entities
Chapter 19 Sarcoidosis. By Paolo Spagnolo, Paul Cullinan, and Roland M Du Bois
Chapter 20 The Health Effects of Silica and Coal Dust Exposures. By Daniel E. Banks
Chapter 21 Asbestosis and Asbestosis-Induced Pleural Fibrosis. By Mark P. Steele and David Schwartz
Chapter 22 Beryllium Disease. By Andrew P. Fontenot, Lee S. Newman, and Lisa A. Maier
Chapter 23 ILD and Other Occupational Exposures (Hard Metal Pneumococcosis). By Lisa A. Maier, Craig S. Glazer, and Karin Pacheco
Chapter 24 Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis. By Moisés Selman
Chapter 25 Drug-Induced Lung Disease. By Philippe Camus
Chapter 26 Connective Tissue Disease, Associated ILD. By Talmadge E. King, Jr., Eunice J. Kim, and Brent W. Kinder
Chapter 27 Pulmonary Vasculitis. By Ulrich Specks
Chapter 28 Diffuse Alveolar Hemorrhage. By Abigail R. Lara, Stephen K. Frankel, and Marvin I. Schwarz
Chapter 29 Eosinophilic Pneumonias. By Jean-François Cordier and Vincent Cottin
Chapter 30 Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. By Talmadge E. King, Jr.
Chapter 31 Nonspecific Interstitial Pneumonia. By Fernando J. Martinez and Kevin R. Flaherty
Chapter 32 Smoking-Related ILD. Robert Vassallo, Andrew H. Limper, and Jay H. Ryu
Chapter 33 Organizing Pneumonia. By Talmadge E. King, Jr.
Chapter 34 Acute Interstitial Pneumonia. By Harold R. Collard and Kevin K. Brown
Chapter 35 Bronchiolitis. By Talmadge E. King, Jr.
Chapter 36 Lymphoplasmacytic Infiltrations of the Lung. By Gregory P. Cosgrove and Marvin I. Schwarz
Chapter 37 Lymphangioleiomyomatosis Clinical Trials. By Arnold S. Kristof and Joel Moss
Chapter 38 Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis. By Maurizio Luisetti and Bruce C. Trapnell
Chapter 39 Miscellaneous Interstitial Lung Diseases. By Tristan J. Huie and Marvin I. Schwarz
© Doody’s Review Service, 2011, Joel C. Seidman, MD, William Beaumont Hospitals
For average practitioners, it is useful but unlikely to be regularly consulted, but for pulmonologists, it is unquestionably the ultimate reference on this topic. I
would consider it a very practical resource to add to my personal library.