Manual of Pediatric Nutrition

Christopher Duggan, MD MPH

Professor in the Departments of Nutrition and Global Health and Population Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health Boston Children’s Hospital – Center for Nutrition Boston, Massachusetts

Kendrin Sonneville, ScD, RD, LDN

Assistant Professor, Nutritional Sciences University of Michigan School of Public Health Ann Arbor, Michigan Collaborating Mentor for the Strategic Training Initiative for the Prevention of Eating Disorders Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Boston Children’s Hospital Boston, Massachusetts

The Manual of Pediatric Nutrition provides pediatricians, pediatric nurses, dietitians, house officers, and students with the necessary background and practical basis for nutritional assessment and diet therapy in the care of children. The editors have organized the text into three main sections: (I) Nutrition and the Well Child, (II) Nutrition and the Hospitalized Child, and (III) Nutrition and Specific Disease States.

The manual covers the basics of nutrition assessment, nutritional requirements, and feeding guidelines for healthier infants, children, and adolescents. Oral health and food assistance programs are also reviewed, along with the use of specialized enteral and parenteral products in the treatment of sick children. A wide range of pediatric clinical disorders are included in the section on specific diseases.

Readers will find the manual provides nutritional requirements in the form of DRIs, dietary guidelines, and food guidance systems. Appendices provide conversion tables, information on drug–nutrient interactions, and growth charts. Nutritional recommendations for healthy infants and children as well as nutritional assessment guidelines for hospitalized children are presented.

Part 1: Nutrition and the Well Child
Part 2: Nutrition and the Hospitalized Child
Part 3: Nutrition and Specific Disease States Appendices

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Book Details

636 pages


5 in. x 7 in.


Dietitians, pediatric nurses and pediatricians, family and general practice physicians, nutritionists, students

ISBN 9781607951742
eISBN 9781607952572